At Stay Classy CrossFit, we are incredibly proud of our athletes. Today, we are gonna highlight one of our members whose journey truly exemplifies what it means to be part of the CrossFit community. This time, it’s Josh’s story—a member who took on Wodapalooza SoCal for the very first time and walked away with far more than just memories of an event. He left with a deeper understanding of himself, the sport, and the unique culture we’ve built here at Stay Classy CrossFit.
Josh is no stranger to physical challenges. His athletic résumé is seriously impressive with three Olympic triathlons, two road bike races, and several running events. But even with that experience, his first CrossFit competition was a completely different beast.
“CrossFit is just… different,” Josh told us after the competition. “It’s not about being the fastest person to finish a race, like I’m used to. CrossFit pushes you in ways you don’t expect—mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’ve never been so humbled and fired up at the same time.”
Josh, who joined Stay Classy just a few months ago, has been a model of dedication and growth since stepping into our box. When he and his partner, Kelsey, moved to San Diego, they were searching for a new fitness home after spending years in big box gyms. As soon as they walked into Stay Classy CrossFit, they knew they had found something different—a place where the sense of community, challenge, and connection was real.
“We were instantly hooked,” Josh said. “We came in, saw the setup—barbells, kettlebells, the outdoor turf, assault bikes—and felt the energy. We hadn’t even signed the lease for our apartment yet, but we were already sold on Stay Classy being our gym.”
Josh’s CrossFit journey took a bold turn when he signed up for Wodapalooza SoCal. For someone new to the sport, competing on such a big stage might seem intimidating, but Josh welcomed the challenge.
“I knew I wasn’t going there to win,” Josh admitted, “but I also wasn’t there to just sit back and take it easy. There’s something about CrossFit that makes you want to push yourself to the edge.”
Josh’s competitive spirit was clear throughout the competition weekend. His team showed up with determination, balancing fun with strategy.
“I loved that we were there to enjoy ourselves, but once the clock started, it was game on,” he said. “The workouts were brutal in the best way possible. CrossFit humbles you, but it also shows you what you’re capable of.”
One of the things Josh found most surprising about his first competition wasn’t just the workouts themselves, but the incredible camaraderie that sets CrossFit apart from other sports.
“In a triathlon, you finish and leave. You rarely get to see the other athletes cross the line. But in CrossFit, no one leaves until the last person finishes. We’re all in it together. We’re cheering each other on until the very end.”
And that’s one of the reasons we’re so proud of Josh. His attitude, both in and out of competition, reflects the heart of Stay Classy CrossFit—supporting your teammates, challenging yourself, and growing every day.
The lessons Josh learned at Wodapalooza go beyond just improving technique. He’s now focused on refining his nutrition strategy, mastering his breathing during workouts, and moving more efficiently.
“CrossFit is about more than speed—it’s about moving well. If you can move efficiently, you’ll not only last longer, but you’ll perform better overall.”
Josh’s performance, attitude, and relentless drive at Wodapalooza reflect everything we aim to cultivate at Stay Classy CrossFit. It’s not just about being the fittest or the fastest—it’s about showing up, giving your all, and pushing past your own limits while cheering others on to do the same. Josh embodies that spirit.
“Wodapalooza was an eye-opener for me,” Josh said. “It was my first taste of CrossFit competition, and I can confidently say it won’t be my last. This community—this sport—it’s addictive. You push yourself, but you also grow closer to everyone around you in the process. I’m hooked.”
We’re so proud of Josh for stepping up to the challenge, representing Stay Classy CrossFit, and showing us what true grit looks like. His journey has only just begun, and we can’t wait to see where it takes him next. Whether he’s working on mastering the overhead squat, dialing in his nutrition, or learning to breathe more efficiently on the rower, we know Josh will continue to embody the spirit of what it means to be part of this community.
Here’s to more Wodapaloozas, more growth, and more incredible achievements from Josh and all of our amazing members at Stay Classy CrossFit. Keep crushing it, Josh—we’ll be cheering you on every step of the way!
Josh’s Key Takeaways from Wodapalooza:
Overhead Squats: Continuing to work on strength and technique for this challenging movement.
Team Strategy: Learning to lean into teammates’ strengths while improving communication.
Efficiency Over Speed: Prioritizing form and efficiency to maximize performance.
Community Over Competition: Embracing the camaraderie that defines CrossFit, where everyone pushes each other to succeed.
We’re excited to watch Josh's CrossFit journey unfold and see what he achieves next!