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Celebrating 11 years of Stay Classy Crossfit: from our roots to a thriving community in Barrio logan

Updated: Oct 1, 2024

September 28, 2013 was the Grand Opening Celebration of Stay Classy CrossFit at our first outfit at 2022 Newton Ave in Barrio Logan.  It was a 1500 sq ft main floor for community classes.  For scale the original gym had 3 squat racks bolted to a wall.  Since then, if you’ve taken the time to venture through both our bathrooms, you’ll catch glimpses of each of the physical locations (minus Covid Zoom room) that we’ve shed sacred sweat and tears in over the past decade. 

We are a brick and mortar business in it’s most literal meaning, but figuratively speaking, the brick by brick are the people and the essence of each person’s journey through fitness that this box is built upon.  I think a lot about wellbeing, it’s expression in our present day and how fleeting it feels from season to season.  I think about how personal the decision is to come into the gym yet how communal it becomes when we allow ourselves to surrender to the will of all things, a workout.. and how through the shared suffering we create an invisible yet immeasurable bond to our neighbor.  And day in and day out, we lose ourselves in the present tense intensity of the WOD but miraculously discover something even greater about our identity when we step forward into who we are respectively and collectively becoming. 

My wellbeing becomes yours and yours bleeds into another and the perpetuating ripple effect transforms into something so unique, so distinct, so unifying, and so caring that the only way I know how to differentiate what I’m trying to say in words is CommunityBeing.  As we approach our true 10 year celebration and transition into 11 years, whether you’ve been a Classian for a week or since the start, I wish you unexpected growth from within to allow you to lower the barriers and let the power of this community strengthen your being.


Always, LeeJ

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