Wednesday 3/23/20

Wednesday 3/23/20

The virus is becoming more aggressive around our local county. The mandate now is to only leave your home for essential needs or for an essential job. With the tighter measures on the quarantine, we will be needing new ways to stay even more connected.

We’re planning some special remote community activations beginning this week and running through the indefinite window of this sequester. We’ll create outlets for more conversations and connections to happen for our people. We hope you’ll join us.

Coffee & Classy Catch Ups in the Morning

Speakeasy Evening Pop-Ups

The Closed (The Sequestered Version of The CrossFit Open)

Our minds and hearts are with all our people out there, especially those who are serving on the front lines placing themselves in high risk situations. Thank you for your protection and sacrifice. If anyone needs support of any matter, please reach out to us, we are here for you. In the meantime, stay healthy, stay home, and stay classy San Diego.


